lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

~Rumbo a Badajoz!~

They confirmed for me that I will indeed be working in the city of Badajoz (the largest city in Extremadura) and a small town about 20 km from the city. This is great news as I was worried about getting placed in a small town far away from any city! I'm ready to slow down a bit from Buenos Aires but living in a town with 5000 residents would have been too much. So Badajoz is a good medium-sized city (I believe some 150,000 residents) which will hopefully be a good size to adjust from the crazy pace of Bs As but without crying of boredom. As far as I understand, the city limits actually border with Portugal, so that means a lot of exploring Portugal, too! Martín isn't happy about this. He has an irrational fear/aversion to Brazilians and all Portuguese language speakers. God knows why.

I also am happy about Badajoz because it will give me the opportunity to continue taking flamenco classes and maybe even a language (probably French, not holding my breath for Japanese...)

So all that's left is a certain amount of paperwork, and a long summer in quaint little Ohio. One week and one day from my departure, and all the goodbyes are finally making me see how much I will truly miss.

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